Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Can I register for it?

That's been my question lately for everything I need but don't want to buy. Can I register for a vacuum? Our dustbuster just can't keep up with the dog hair anymore. What about towels? I'd love to not have to do laundry so much. Or my current favorite -- luggage. We've been doing lots of traveling this summer, and my luggage (which dates back to my freshman year of college, I do believe) has seen better days. It's still hanging on -- gotta love Samsonite -- but I'd love a new set. Here are some of my favorites:

I don't know much about luggage, but Tumi is supposed to be one of the best kinds out there. This kind is molded so you know your stuff will never get squished -- and the yellow would be hard to miss on the baggage carousel!
This blue one from Victorinox is pretty too -- and expandable, which is very important if you plan on doing shopping wherever you're going (which is almost always true for me).
Who knew that Diane Von Furstenburg made luggage? Ack. Diane, I expected more from you. Maybe you should stick to wrap dresses, those are much cuter.

But I seriously might need this:
Yes, a hand-held luggage scale! Not that I ever have problems with overweight luggage. Right.

1 comment:

Kim Gail said...

Awesome collection..! I like the #3 luggage most.